ACQUASALINA is inspired by the composition of the mother liquor discarded during the production of salt. This hypertonic saline solution is highly concentrated in essential minerals and microelements that restore the electrolytic balance of the scalp, activating its metabolism.
Saline solution
Mineral salts and hair health
Recent studies have shown that hair loses significant amounts of calcium and magnesium as it ages. Hair treated with oxidants in alkaline medium (dyes, lightening treatments, straightening using thioglycolate) becomes brittle and porous and loses mineral salts after each wash.
Calcium and magnesium are found in the inside of the cuticle and also in the polymeric matrix that surrounds the macrofibrils. These ions are linked to proteins rich in cysteine (important sulfur amino acid in the hair structure) of the S100A3 family, important in maintaining the secondary structure of the hair.
Sodium and potassium help in the hydrogen bonds and increase the resilience of the fiber, reducing breaks when submitted to mechanical stress. Zn helps in enhancing hydrogen bonds and is important in the biological functions of cell stimulus to hair follicles.
Sea water and beauty
Saline soutions have been used in beauty treatments since ancient times. The Greeks and Romans recognized the potential of marine-based products to cure a range of illnesses and left an extensive legacy of baths, spas and treatments using waters of different origins and compositions. Sharing an equally ancient origin the health and beauty treatments using the salt-rich waters from the Dead Sea are still highly popular today. A high concentration of salts is the principal reasons for the benefits to skin and hair, since they increase cellular regeneration, improve the skin tone and promote the remineralization of hair, as well as other cosmetic benefits.

Usage level
Acquasalina is a hypertonic saline solution with essential mineral salts and microelements. Rich in essential trace elements, it has unique cosmetic benefits with detoxifying, toning and restorative activity.