Frulix Certified Mirtilo (Blueberry)
Obtained through an exclusive biotechnological process that mimics the natural ripening. Using the fruit’ native enzymes, ASSESSA transforms the pulp into a crystalline liquid with all active components in concentrations equivalent to those found in the natural fruit.
Blueberry is nicknamed “source of longevity” for being the fresh fruit richest in antioxidants ever studied. These polyphenolic components provide their blue/black color and have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects, in addition to reducing oxidative stress.
The blueberry grows in small shrubs and is native from the United States and Europe where the cold climate is ideal for the plants.
Usually it grows in forests of humid coniferous and its development is favored by moderately humid soils. Appreciated for its exotic flavor, the blueberry is a small fruit (5 to 9 mm) and contains many seeds.
Blueberries have a high content of polyphenols in both the peel and the pulp, with quercetin being one of the relevant compounds. The content of these substances in the skin and pulp of the fruit is so high that it exceeds even vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and broccoli. The beneficial properties of these compounds can be attributed to the ability to scavenge free radicals, playing an important role in their elimination and deactivation. In addition, its composition contains vitamins, minerals, sugars, pectin, tannins and citric, malic and tartaric acids.

FRULIX CERTIFIED MIRTILO (BLUEBERRY) is highly concentrated and produced without the addition of solvents.
The existence of redox imbalance in the body, with an excess of free radicals and/or a deficiency in the protective system in removing these reactive species, is known as oxidative stress and can lead to the oxidation of biological structures. One of the techniques used to detect the antioxidant capacity of compounds is the method based on the elimination of the stable free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH). The radical scavenging capacity was calculated according to the equation:
% scavenging =
[(Control absorbance – Sample absorbance) ÷ (Control absorbance )] x 100
After reading on a spectrophotometer is possible to calculate the free radical scavenging capacity of FRULIX CERTIFIED MIRTILO (BLUEBERRY) according to the values presented in the table below.
Many food phenolics are soluble in water and other organic solvents. Polyphenols are products of secondary metabolism of plants and have many physiological properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial activity. FRULIX CERTIFIED MIRTILO (BLUEBERRY) has an average of 9.54 mg /ml of total phenols in its composition.
Usage Levels
Not recommended for oily formulations.