Frulix Complexo Protetor (Protecting Complex)
FRULIX COMPLEXO PROTETOR (PROTECTING COMPLEX) is obtained through an exclusive biotechnological process that mimics the natural ripening of MANGO, PASSION FRUIT and CUPUAÇU. Using the fruits native enzymes, Assessa transforms the pulps into a crystalline liquid with all active components in concentrations equivalent to those found in natural fruit.
The fruits
Mango is extremely rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin A and contains reasonable quantities of complex B vitamins and vitamin C, as well as mineral salts, principally iron. Passion fruit pulp is rich in antioxidant bioflavonoids and important minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium, containing reasonable levels of vitamin C and A. Cupuaçu possesses high levels of moisturizing mucilages, antioxidant tannins and organic silicon, which is of great importance in the physical structure of the hair and the structural balance of the skin. The combination of these three fruits produces an ingredient with excellent protecting (anthocyanidins and combined bioflavonoids), nutritive and reinforcing properties (essential sugars and mineral salts).

A native of the Amazon, the cupuaçu fruit is cylindrical in form weighing from 800 to 1500 grams. The extremeties are round, the
skin is a dark, ligneous brown and a white pulp covers the seeds. Aromatic, with a bittersweet taste, cupuaçu is used in drinks, conserves, ice creams, candies and a special conhaque known as “cupuaçu wine”.

The mango, originally from lndia, is a tropical tree which belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. ln Brazil, there are around five hundred types of mango, varying widely in size, shape and color. The skin can be green, yellow or red, depending on the variety. The pulp is succulent and has a color that ranges from light yellow to dark orange.

Passion fruit
The plants which produce the passion fruit are exhuberant creepers of the Passifloraceae family. Consumed as a fruit raw or in the form of juice, ice cream, candy or even accompanying alcoholic drinks, the passion fruit has been used by the native americans since pre-colonial times, as a powerful medicament.
FRULIX COMPLEXO PROTETOR (PROTECTING COMPLEX), obtained through an exclusive biotechnological process, is produced without the addition of solvents.
As a high concentrated product, FRULIX COMPLEXO PROTETOR (PROTECTING COMPLEX) should be used in smaller concentrations than those normally used when making formula with conventional extracts.
Mango, passion fruit and cupuaçu are nutritive fruits, rich in vitamins, mucilages, antioxidant flavonoids, tannins and essential mineral salts. FRULIX COMPLEXO PROTETOR (PROTECTING COMPLEX) presents protective, emollient and remineralizing properties and is recommended for use in haircare products, in formulas for the treatment and reinforcing of hair fibers, nutrition and protection for weakened hair. In skincare products, FRULIX COMPLEXO PROTETOR (PROTECTING COMPLEX) acts as a protecting and nutritive agent.
Usage levels
FRULIX COMPLEXO PROTETOR (protecting complex) is compatible with the majority of ingredients used in cosmetic formulations for the treatment of skin and hair and may be incorporated cold, directly into the aqueous phase of the formulas, in accordance with the suggestions of usage levels found in the table below. It is stable at temperatures up to 90°C, in pH conditions from 4.00 to 11.00.